Thursday, April 21, 2011

Just a thought

I haven't been on here for a while.  Things are staying busy here.  Homeschooling is going good with us wrapping the last of our lessons up next week!  We are noe involved in soccer and T-ball for the spring.  My hubby is getting ready to take part in another play.  We have a couple of events coming up in the church that I should be getting ready for.  And soon, in two days, I will have a 5 year old running around the house again and no longer a 4 year old.  I hope everyone has a blessed Easter and know that our Savior is risen indeed and will come back for us some day!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! You posted on my blog about Grandma's Apron- I LOVE what you wrote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I finished reading all I could say was "wow". I am speaking at a women's event in Oct. and I might be able to use what you have written to help me with my talk. I also draw something while talking. Would you mind if I used your material? I love how God works! He amazes me every single day! Blessings for your journey-d.
